
William (Bill Hiddleston)
Widely acknowledged as the ‘father’ of SCCC, Bill served as President in two stints, with one being over a decade. On many occasions, the club was in dire straits on and off field, and was only kept afloat due to the endless energy and commitment (including financial loans) of Bill. In line with the principles of stewardship (leaving the organisation in better shape than inherited), Bill finished with security of playing fields, strong on field performances, a well-functioning committee and financially sound. Bill’s contribution, over decades, has been recognised in his inaugural elevation to ‘Legend’ status and the naming of the cricket club’s Senior 1st XI Best & Fairest (best cricketer at the club) in his honour.

Ken Kay
Introduced to the club by his cousin, also Legend, Max Stephens, Ken was a legendary presence on and off field for decades. His reputation as a highly combatative and competitive player continued 40 years after his last game, with many current SCCC players asked if they knew/remembered Ken. Off-field, Ken was a long time committee member, and then President through the 80’s setting the scene for sustained success in the late 80’s/early 90’s. Ken’s drove a focus on developing the junior program as the future of the club, as both junior coach, mentor player, committee member, president and Life Member well into his 80’s. SCCC was a second family to Ken, with his wife Edna’s a Life member and sons long time players. Ken’s contribution has been recognised by his elevation to ‘Legend’ status, as well as naming of ‘Senior Player of the Year’ (Brownlow style points system across all senior grades) the Ken Kay Trophy.

Milne McCooke
Across a playing, coaching, committee (and later) supporter career of 40+ years, Milne was one of the strongest competitors, and best bowlers, of the clubs history. Many of the highlight bowling performances (in match and season) are held by Milne. Another strong supporter of the SCCC junior program, Milne has been a long time mentor (in life as well as cricket) to many. As with the other legends, Milne’s commitment to the club became a family endeavour with wife Lorraine and son Laine also Life Members, and son Steve Junior Club champion before representing Victoria in Sheffield Shield. Milne’s elevation to ‘Legend’ status was a fait accompli and his contribution is recognised by the Senior 1st XI Bowling trophy named in his honour.

Max Stephens
Easily declared the longest playing member (Max played into his 80’s) of SCCC, Max was a long term player, mentor, coach and committee member. Max’s core contribution was the identification, development and nurturing of younger players, acting as not only junior coordinator/coach for over 30 years, but also captain of lower XI’s where Max would ensure safety, encouragement and development of younger/junior players taking their first game sof competitive cricket against adults. Max’s time and energy at the cricket club was ably supported by wife Christine (also Life Member), as well as son Scott (also Life Member). Max’s endless contribution to our junior program is recognised by the ‘Max Stephens’ trophy for Best Junior Clubperson.